Schwanden GL / Schwander Turm
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Switzerland panorama Schwander Turm
Panorama Schwanderturm
Click on the image to enlarge it to full-screen display in panorama viewer.

Die Schwander Turm is located at 1'032 metres, about 500 metres above the village Schwanden in the municipality Glarus South.

Swiss panorama Schwander Turm
Panorama Schwanderturm.
Click on the image to enlarge it to full-screen display in panorama viewer.

Switzerland panorama Schwander Turm
Panorama Schwanderturm.
The Panorama shows a valley view from Obbort, above the villages Linthal and Tierfehd towards major peaks of the Glarus Alps.
Click on the image to enlarge it to full-screen display in panorama viewer.